File upload progress bar with apache's progress upload module

Reading time ~4 minutes | September 11, 2012

Problem -

Build a simple file upload progress bar for a web app (ruby on rails app running on apache with pushion passenger).

Implementation -

The file upload progress bar can be implemented using the Upload progress module for apache

Installation & Configuration -

1) Download the source code


Alternate source: wget --no-check-certificate

2) Compile the source code and install the module in apache

    cd apache-upload-progress-module
    sudo apxs2 -c -i -a mod_upload_progress.c

Note - Please note that to compile the module, you will need threaded development library of apache2

3) Modify apache configuration

a) In apache conf, load the file upload module

    LoadModule upload_progress_module libexec/apache2/

b) In the VirtualHost configuration of the application add

        <Location />
          # enable tracking uploads in /
          TrackUploads On
        <Location /progress>
          # enable upload progress reports in /progress
          ReportUploads On

4) Restart the apache server.

Code changes in the app -

  • In the file upload form action url, append X-ProgressID=<GUID>. (make sure that this is the last key-value in the query string of the form action url) Once the file upload has started, fire Ajax request to /progress?X-Progress-ID=<GUID> to get the status of the upload.
  • The status would be in a Json format. Ex -
{ "state" : "uploading", "received" : 35587, "size" : 716595, "speed" : 35587, "started_at": 1296568823, "uuid" : "12345678" }

Fields -

  • state - indicates the current status of the upload. Once the upload is complete, the state would be ‘done’

  • received - indicates the number of bytes received by the server.

  • size - total size of the file in bytes

  • started_at - upload start time. (Epoch format)

  • uuid - The GUID supplied as part of the query string key (X-Progress-ID)

Reference -

README of apache-upload-progress-module