OAuth 2 - Introduction and Implementation with rails

Reading time ~8 minutes | March 12, 2013

This article covers basics of OAuth 2 and explains how to implement oAuth provider for authenticating a set of REST APIs. Implementation is explained keeping rails (2.3.x) in mind.

Scope -

To provide a way for other applications to use our APIs by authenticating and authorizing through Oauth.

This should cover the following -

OAuth 2.0 Spec & discussion -

There are 4 different types of token grant are available. We use two of them which are famous and applicable to majority of the cases.

1. Grant type - password

                 +--------+                                  +---------------+
                 |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->   |  Authorization|
                 |        |       (with username, password)  |   Server      |
                 |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------   |               |
                 |        |                                  +---------------+
                 | Client |
                 |        |                                  +---------------+
                 |        |--(E)----- API request ------>    |   Resource    |
                 |        |           (With access token)    |    Server     |
                 |        |<-(F)------ API response -------  |               |
                 +--------+                                  +---------------+

The following are the important points from our oauth implementation.

  • The token exchange and authentication will happen over SSL so that the token security is not compromised.
  • The access token is expired every 2 days. (This can be kept as less as possible to avoid security risks.)

  • Though ‘refresh_token’ is recommended to regenerate access token, to keep the implementation simple in some apps, every time a token is expired user can be forced to has to enter his username and password with the client and get the access token generated.

Sample Oauth Request and Response -

Request URI - https://api.myauthserver.com/api/authentication/token

Parameters - client_id, client_secret, grant_type, username, password.

  • The value of grant_type should be - passsword

  • The default value of format is xml.

Successful authentication response -

1. XML -


2. JSON -

Failed authentication Response -

1. XML -


2. JSON -


2. Grant type - auth_code

                 +--------+                               +---------------+
                 |        |--(A)- Authorization Request ->|   Resource    |
                 |        |                               |     Owner     |
                 |        |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---|               |
                 |        |                               +---------------+
                 |        |
                 |        |                               +---------------+
                 |        |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
                 | Client |                               |     Server    |
                 |        |<-(D)----- Access Token -------|               |
                 |        |                               +---------------+
                 |        |
                 |        |                               +---------------+
                 |        |--(E)----- Access Token ------>|    Resource   |
                 |        |                               |     Server    |
                 |        |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---|               |
                 +--------+                               +---------------+

Sample oAuth Requests and Response

STEP 1: Client app sends a request to authorize url of myauthserver -

  • The Client application sends a request to the authorize url of myauthserver.

Request URI -


This redirects user to a login page.

1. On successful login and authorize -

  • The user will be redirected to <client_app_redirect_uri>?code=W25JoW2cktPurc7vpBaI

  • The client sends a request to the token url mentioned above and receives token.

  • The only difference is that the grant_type param value should be authorization_code when requesting for token.

2. On unsuccessful login and authorize -

  • The client will be redirected to <client_app_redirect_uri>?error=<error_description>

  • The most common error_desription will be access_denied

STEP 2: 1. Client app sends a request for access token-

The Client application sends a request to the token url of myauthserver.

Request URI - https://api.myauthserver.com/api/authentication/token

Parameters - client_id, client_secret, grant_type, username, password,

  • The value of grant_type should be - authorization_code

  • The response for this call is same as the one we have above for password grant_type.

Implementation -

Providing OAuth Service -

The service provision for Oauth is developed by inspiring from the plugin - https://github.com/pelle/oauth-plugin

This gem does not cover the complete flow but it can be used base and the tweaks can be made to incorporate it with your app flow.

Prerequisites -

This plugin requires oauth2 gem to be installed. App should use restful_athentication or any other equivalent plugin.

Note -

One more alternative explored was - https://github.com/ThoughtWorksStudios/oauth2_provider

It has a cleaner design but we are not using it as it only supports version 2-09 of OAuth 2.0 spec as of the date.

Consuming OAuth service (for clients) -

The Oauth plugin ()https://github.com/pelle/oauth-plugin) has some code which can be tweaked to implement a client for the Oauth service.

In addition to this we can also use the following ruby based libraries to implement clients-



Oauth2 is the industry standard for the authentication of APIs as of now and it is recommended to use this for any web services without a second thought.